Allens Music Extravaganza 2017 – PART 5


Article by:  Lee Jones

From 1:30pm in Workshop room 1, Lucy Curtin was going to hold a Special 60’s Surf Music Special,
I Arrived about 5 minutes before it was about to start and already the room was packed out, no seating available, and precious little space for anyone to stand either, but I did notice a spot at the back that I could squeeze into.
I took up position at the back and soon realised, this was going to be an impossible task, and I lasted no more than 10 minutes. With an outside afternoon temperature approaching 26°C, and a room full of people all jam packed onto a room no larger than 30 x 20 feet with no ventilation or air conditioning and a temperature of about 28°C, I was starting to literally melt with the excessive heat,

and had to leave the room and stand outside in the corridor filming there, while standing adjacent to a window that I had managed to open. While outside I met up again with the young man I met in the car park when first I arrived, and he too was suffering from the heat and was pleased to hear he was not the only one. Even the afternoon manager and the young man on reception was complaining it was far too hot.

One thing I have learnt from this weekend is that the majority of the attendees are very much older than myself, many of them are on a lot of prescribed medication that has the side effect of thinning their blood, and therefore they feel the cold more easily, conversely and more importantly, are able to withstand with ease and not even notice these higher temperatures, and evidently felt quite comfortable with it, for us slightly younger and non drug dependant individuals, it was very uncomfortable indeed.

2:15pm and time for a short break, Afternoon Tea and of course more cakes !

3:00pm Back into the main concert hall for an afternoon concert with Dennis Awe. For those that don’t know of Dennis, he is a very popular and likable character, always happy to assist you with anything and could be described as the ultimate entertainer. Below is a short video demonstration his multi talented approach to entertainment.

If your interested in finding out about Dennis Awe,  how he has become one of Lowrey’s Star Organ Players, then you need to go over to our Who is Dennis Awe  page

Continue to part 6

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