HOW TO – Stop things going wrong

Hopefully your Lowrey Organ will give you many years of enjoyment, without too many problems along the way.


A little drastic i think just because a Fuse Blew ?
don’t worry it was a Yamaha not a Lowrey

I Hope you will never be in a position that you feel you need to resort to such drastic measures. But from time to time there may be problems that can happen to even the newest of organs. I suppose it’s a little like buying a new car ! . . . . They say that after about 5 years most of the problems your ever going to have with a car a usually sorted out within this time, and like a car there is usually a good warrantee supplied as standard with a Lowrey Organ to have all minor and major repairs covered.

But what about the rest of us ?

As many of you know i am very pleased with the Lowrey Stardust SU530 I purchased privately in September of 2017. The advantage of buying privately is simply the cost. There are many deals to be had out there for second hand Lowrey Organs that are purchased privately, the major drawback is that you will have to collect/move it yourself, or have some sort of removal company do it for you on your behalf, each has it’s own problems but usually the cost is negligible in comparison to buying a used Lowrey from a Dealer.

To give you an example, here in the UK the main Dealer and a couple of other independent stores will charge you today, something in the region of £2995 more than what i purchased a Stardust for back in 2017. I know that they offer a good deal on any repairs, but at that extra cost i was prepared to take the chance, and so far i have been rewarded with something that is faultless.

Now if you have bought your organ from a dealer it probably came with some form of warranty or guarantee ? – But what does this cover ?
In most cases it may be that the dealer will take on to repair your organ at no cost during this warranty period, or may supply the labour, but you will still have to pay for any parts needed ! . . . .

Sometimes a lot of the repairs or faults that occur can be sorted by yourself

DIY Repairs

Lowrey stickers – It may be necessary to replace one or any of the Lowrey stickers when you accidentally scratch/damage them, or your grandchildren think you may like a change and pick them off.
If this is the case a replacement can be obtained from HERE

Floppy Disk Emulator- Not really a repair as such, but more of a DIY upgrade – one of the things i first done was to replace the built in floppy drive, with a Floppy Disk Emulator (FDE), basically this replaces the floppy drive for a like for like in size as well as easy like for like connection. Further details of how to install and operate this item can be found HERE

Console Bulbs – These are tiny little incandescent light bulbs that illuminate various parts of the console on some of the earlier models such as the SU series and earlier. Later models used all LED’s.
Some of them can be replaced from the front, but the majority will require you to remove the back of your organ to replace them. This can be a little tricky, but with every purchase of these bulbs , i supply full written details and step by step videos of how to go about it yourself HERE

Full Factory Reset Some times this may be required to overcome a lot of problems HERE

USB Stick not Working – This is a common complaint on a lot of organs that have a USB port that allows you to save and load files in and out of your organ, but they can go wrong from time to time and a solution is HERE

What to do when there is no Sound – This can be frightening the first time it happens, but sometimes there is a simple solution to fix it  HERE

Why does my Display Screen go dim  Another one of those little quirks that can frustrate you is when the Display screen keeps going dim after a while, why it does this and how to correct it HERE

The Mysterious Midnight player

Imagine how you would feel,  if in the middle of the night you came down stairs to get a drink from the fridge only to find you had left your organ on ? . . . . But hang on a minute ! . . . . . .the roll top was closed, and the music stand LED’s where on, but the red power LED to the right of the expression pedal was OFF

upon opening the cabinet you see that the main power switch is still turned off, and only a small number of other lights are on as well, what can this be ?          find out HERE

What to do if all the Panel lights go out !

There can a a number of reasons why none of the panel lights come on when turning on an SU500/SU530 organ. for more information click HERE

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