Sometimes you may be able to find beautiful examples of older models in a thrift shop Continue reading “This is a Lowrey Citation”
How Bass Pedals Should Sound
This is a quick demo of how the Base pedals should sound if all of them are working correctly
If yours are not perfect, do something about it – CLICK HERE
How to Use the Lowrey Glide
The Glide The Glide is one of Lowrey’s most popular features. It enhances the sound of any instrument that has the ability to bend notes. Over the years there have been questions to how to use this great feature. The Glide can be found on most Lowrey models. It was introduced on the SE-10 Regency model. …
Continue reading “How to Use the Lowrey Glide”
Fundamentals of using midi with Lowrey organs
Lowrey Organs are electronic organs known for their rich sound and advanced features. Continue reading “Fundamentals of using midi with Lowrey organs”
MIDI – A Beginners Video guide
The following video will take all beginners by the hand and teach you all the basics about MIDI
MIDI – Making The Right Connections
MIDI – The right connections, a midi overview , connectors & ports what to connect where , equipment hardware and software to use. I was going to make a video myself, but came across this excellent short 3.5 minute video that explained it so well, it would have been a waste of my time trying …
Continue reading “MIDI – Making The Right Connections”
Why is my Swell Pedal Not Working With Roland BK-7m
Under normal use with the organ, the swell pedal serves as a volume control for the entire organ. Below is an image of my excellent Roland BK-7m, this is known as an Expander module. this is a portable backing module compatible with MIDI-capable pianos, keyboards, accordions, as well as our organs (organ must have MIDI …
Continue reading “Why is my Swell Pedal Not Working With Roland BK-7m”
Problem Solving
This page will have all problem solving tips and will be added to on a regular basis
Click on links below Continue reading “Problem Solving”
E-MU Midi USB MIDI Interface Latency
E-MU Midi USB MIDI Interface Latency can be a real problem, when it lasts 5 seconds or more Sometimes when turning on the computer with this MIDI interface plugged in or after making some significant changes to MIDI SoundFonts or MIDI players etc, you can have a significant latency ( 5 seconds or more) from the …
Continue reading “E-MU Midi USB MIDI Interface Latency”