HOW TO Replace the Bulbs – Part 3 – MEMBERS ONLY
Article by: Lee Jones SPECIAL NOTE: The instructions for replacing light bulbs is supplied exclusively to you, the Members on this website. Please respect my wishes and do not distribute or send these instructions to anyone else. In this part we are going to look at replacing the bulbs on the lower wing sides. There are …
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HOW TO – Replace the Bulbs – Part 2 – MEMBERS ONLY
Article by: Lee Jones SPECIAL NOTE: These instructions for replacing light bulbs is supplied exclusively for the members on this website. Please respect my wishes and do not distribute or send these instructions to anyone else. In this part we will have a look at replacing the bulbs that are in the centre section, the ones …
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How to Replace the Bulbs – part 1 – MEMBERS ONLY
Article by: Lee Jones SPECIAL NOTE: These instructions for replacing light bulbs is to help the purchaser of bulbs on this website. Please respect my wishes and do not distribute or send these instructions to anyone else, save or make copies. Many people have organs that have some or many of these incandescent light bulbs that …
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West Coast Premiere of the Lowrey Aria Pro
Nick Grbac
My name is Nick Grbac – and I attended the debut of the Lowrey Aria Pro this week. I Was somewhat initially sceptical because it looked so similar to the Lowrey Marquee. But I am Glad I went along and was pleasantly surprised
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How & What To Avoid When Shopping For A Used Organ
Article by Jerry Hill
From time to time many of us will go to EBay when we think it’s time for something different or an update to our current organ, such as more musical features that are always added to a later model. That’s a sure sign that you’re hooked in to a brighter musical future. There’s a lot of choices out there from Lowrey, some good…and others, not so good.
Dennis Awe Playing the Lowrey MX-1
HOW TO – Best Record Your Organ While you Play
Article by: Lee Jones There are of course many ways that this can be achieved, and I will discuss all the various methods in full, show you exactly how to do it, what’s involved, what connections you’ll need to make, even where to buy stuff, as well as the pro’s and con’s of each method, …
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Allens Music Extravaganza 2017 part 6
On the Saturday, Evening dinner was at 5:30pm, so i made my way to the main hall, and was greeted by a few people i had already met the previous day, and duly sat down, this time at a different table to the one the previous night, so it was apparent that the seating arrangement was first come first served and you sat where you wanted to. Continue reading “Allens Music Extravaganza 2017 part 6”
Jerry Reveals the Big Secret
Article by Jerry Hill If you are wondering what the secret is ? you will first need to read the article, and watch the video at the bottom of this article Do I Need to Upgrade My Organ ? Your probably thinking that i have never heard some of those sounds on my stardust, Jerry …
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Do I need to upgrade my Lowrey Organ ?
Article by: Lee Jones Every time Lowrey bring out a new model all distributors of Lowrey organs, no matter from what part of the world you reside, will tell you this latest model is the best there has ever been, its capable of far more than any thing previously offered and the quality of sound …
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