HOW TO – Play an Organ Without Reading Music

Online Course by:  Lee Jones

Being able to play a Lowrey Organ in some peoples eye’s must seem like owning a full Orchestra, and of course it is, where else can you play many different orchestral instruments with a fully automated backing track, and all in the comfort of your home



Piano Or Organ ?

Firstly let’s distinguish between the two , while they both have the same layout of keys. normally white and black. playing a Piano is just not the same as Playing an Organ – A Piano Player may disagree, but ask anyone who plays both, and they will always say that the Organ will be played very much differently, and somewhat smoothly.

When you are playing a piano, you are effectively working a bit harder to produce the sounds as it is a physical action of you controlling how hard to hit the keys which in turn will produce a louder or softer note. The organ on the other hand produces the same sound output regardless of how hard you hit the keys, and the volume is then controlled by the swell pedal There is an exception to this, on the organ you can electronically introduce touch sensitivity and after touch at a flick of a switch. And talking of switches, that is really all a church organ or theatre organ is, it’s a combination of switches attached physically or electrically to a keyboard. In effect the Organ can be played very smoothly indeed, but like most things is a learnt technique.

When coming to the Organ from the Piano, it helps to refine your keyboard techniques to get a ‘smoother’ sound from the keys – here is one of the best UK musicians, Tom Horton. And in this short video he shows exactly how!

How can we quickly learn to play, if we cannot read a single note of sheet music ?

That’s the Million Dollar Question ?

Lets face it, this must be the biggest stumbling block or major hurdle your going to need to get over before playing anything and unfortunately I believe is the sole reason that can lead to many people not buying an organ in the first place, thinking they will need to learn scales, practice over and over, have private tuition, and all the while getting more and more frustrated trying to learn how to read music, and then may even get to the point of actually giving up and even regret buying the organ in the first place.

Obviously buying an Electronic organ from Lowrey, is not the cheapest option of buying a musical instrument, and with such an initial investment, so you might rightly think we are also going to need to invest a lot of time learning how to read music too.                    OR IS IT ? . . . . . . . . .

There are millions of people out there that would

love to be able to read Sheet music just as easy as reading this page,  let’s face it reading sheet music has been the industry standard for absolutely centuries now, and has really been the only way we can successfully learn to play any musical instrument.

But for many, they just look at any page of music, and no matter how simple and basic it is, they think this might as well be written in hieroglyphics or Arabic, it makes as much sense as it would to a blind man.

Perhaps this is a slight exaggeration for making the point, but I’m sure a lot more people would take up playing the organ if learning to read music is not a prerequisite to playing an Organ.

Looking for an easy answer and not having to read music

Some people, albeit with good intentions, will give you advice that you will need to have music reading lessons, or one to one tuition to get yourself off to a good start, others such as those many people on Forums will give you their advice on buying a specific course of books, but surely there must be an easier solution, there must be another way of learning to play quickly ? . . . . . .

Well, I researched hard for a few weeks, looking for some answers, and while keeping in the back of my mind the single principal of playing an electronic organ quickly and  to play anything without reading a single note.

I have recently shown this method to others, and they all agree it just looks so simple and a much more pleasurable way of learning to play, in fact it is so simple anyone from  a young child right through to someone in their eighties or later can be playing anything within an hour.
In fact, t
he method I now use is so intuitive and simple to understand, that i believe anyone within minutes, not an hour, days or weeks will not only be playing their favourite songs, but also understand what all those notes on a page of sheet music actually do mean.

Sounds an impossible task doesn’t it ? . . . . . , if it was that easy, why has no one else before me thought of it?, . . . . . .  I cannot answer that one, perhaps they have, but I searched high and low to find a solution to the problem, and could not find anything that came close to my requirements.

So I developed an easy to follow step by step course that demonstrates just how easy it is to play straight away without a single lesson, without reading a single note and all in the comfort of your home by yourself at a pace that suit you.

I’m no expert organ player by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s the method’s and techniques I show you and demonstrate on video that are the most important.

For further details CLICK HERE

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