If you have upgraded your SU series organ (Royale / Stardust etc.) to an A series organ (prestige, sterling, Imperial etc.) you will have soon discovered that the saved files from an SU series are not compatible and cannot be read by the newer A series organs.
Let’s suppose you have an SU series organ such as a Royale or Stardust, and you want to be able to load a settings file or a song file on an A series organ such as a Prestige or Sterling for example, can you simply copy the files from a floppy drive to a USB stick ?
The simple answer is yes and no !
What Lowrey Organs are in the family of SU and A series ?
below is a list
SU SERIES ORGANS SU300 Legacy SU400 Rhapsody SU430 Sensation SU500 Royale SU530 Stardust SU600 Grande Royale SU630 Palladium |
Firstly Most SU series organs ( unless they have been converted See Here )
will have a floppy drive and use Floppy Disks, unlike the later A series models that have a USB drive to open and save their files. The good thing about a USB drive is compactness and of course speed of loading and saving files
A Settings file or Song file on the SU series cannot be loaded directly into an A series organ without first being converted.
Basically this is because both SU and A Series organs have a different way of naming their files , but also the files extension is also different
If you want to convert an SU to an A series file to be used on an A series organ, you will need some software to do this. Below is a link to download this software, within the file is a PDF for the instructions how to use it.
It is fairly easy to use, just follow the instructions.
Below is just the download of a PDF supplied by Lowrey that explains how to convert the SU files into files that can be read and installed within an A series organ.
Also below are the software files necessary to make the conversion, as explained in the PDF instructions
NOTE: please be aware that the link to downloaded the software is password protected.
As a Full or Life member you will have free access, just fill in the form below to get the download and file password.
Where are the files downloaded to
Downloads folder on a PC
Windows logo key + E.
Double click on Downloads folder