
Home / glossary / Live

Mac: Yes
Win: Yes
Linux: No
Audio: Yes
Virtual: Yes
Notation: No
Rewire: Yes
Plug-In: VST/AU
Driver: ASIO/Core Audio
Price: Free – $750

If any DAW should get an award for thinking outside the box, it is Ableton Live. The entire concept of Ableton Live is not to conform to the standard tape-machine/mixing console/edit window-based layout and workflow of every other DAW.

Live is catered to creating music, and if that works better without a mixing console-type view, then get rid of it. This is a great model, and Live has found a very loyal following of users who have embraced this out-of-the-box style of thinking. The issue that often arises is that this loyal fan base tries to convince the rest of DAW users that they should throw away their mixing console mentality and embrace the future.
