
Home / glossary / Audacity

Mac: Yes
PC: Yes
Linux: Yes
Audio: Yes
Virtual: No
Notation: No
Rewire: No
Plug-In: VST
Driver: Core Audio/WDM
Price: Free

Audacity is an open source (or free) DAW that functions only as a digital audio processor. It can record up to sixteen simultaneous tracks and has no limit to how many tracks can be added to a session. The functionality of audacity is simple yet powerful. It can import and export in most audio formats and is very simple to use. You basically hit the big record button at the top and it creates a new track and starts recording. Podcasters, interviewers and people producing their own audio books commonly use audacity. It is really the modern tape recorder. It is a simple way for the masses to be able to record and playback audio.
