Below are details and a link to the software pack that is exclusively provided to purchasers of the FDE1000 from this website
It has been included to help you transfer, copy, duplicate the data your organ reads/writes for the registrations and music files.
SPECIAL NOTE: The provided software for this FDE1000 (floppy disk emulator) is supplied exclusively to purchasers only on this website.
Please respect my wishes and do not distribute or send these programs to anyone else.
A brief description of what is included and what it does
Virtual Floppy Format
This software will allow you to insert a memory stick in to the USB drive of your computer (PC only) and format it so that it will have 1000 floppy partitions – PLEASE use with caution, once this software starts to format the memory stick , all information that was already on it will be entirely erased and lost forever
Floppy Imaging
This allows you to create, read and write floppy images to and from your computer, this does the whole floppy not just individual files
Virtual Floppy Explorer
This is probably the most useful or used bit of software provided. This software will allow you to see all the contents of the 1000 floppies on the memory stick.
You can open each individual floppy, see the contents, rename them, add or delete individual files, and transfer a file from one floppy number to another. You can also back up all the files in a floppy to your computer hard drive, copy to a real floppy, bulk copy and search for all files on the memory stick
Download Software Pack Here
Please enter password sent to you after purchase of the FDE1000
FDE1000 -Software Pack -Installer
Where are the files downloaded to
Downloads folder on a PC
Windows logo key + E.
Double click on Downloads
Downloads folder on a MAC
Command + Option + L
After installation you will see 3 extra icons added to your desktop
This download is a ZIP file – you will need to unzip it first to use.
Download WINZip here
Customers please be aware that this software is password protected and will only allow purchasers of the FDE1000 access – please use the same password sent to you for the instructions
Members of this site cannot access the software unless they have also purchased the FDE1000