
CAUTION Some of the circuitry within Lowrey Organs can be at a high voltage (120Vac – in USA and 240Vac – in UK) and can at best be extremely painful if touched, and at worst extremely dangerous or LETHAL, please be extra cautious and double check everything is disconnected, turned off and unplugged before proceeding.


Please note that some of the internal capacitors are designed to hold voltage for long periods, and many of the larger ones can give you a good whack if touched so please be careful


The owner of this website is not a Qualified Lowrey Engineer, and does not pretend to be ! . . . . . . . . . . . . but has acquired many Practical skills that have enabled him to perform simple as well as complex changes or repairs to Lowrey Organs.


The contents of this website contain detailed information on how to change add or replace items both internally and externally to many different models of Lowrey Organs, some of which may require Practical Dexterity along with basic Electronic knowledge that may be beyond the reader or viewer’s skill level !

Your Skill Level

It is therefore incumbent on the reader or viewer of this website to establish whether or not they feel they can perform a given task as shown on this website before buying any spare or new parts or undertaking any changes to their own or organs belonging to someone else, and all information provided is done purely for educational purposes only and strictly no responsibility will be accepted by the owner of this site should something not work as expected or go wrong in some way.

Software & Downloads

All software and downloads supplied on this website are not necessarily produced by the owner, and therefore the owner of this site cannot be held responsible for any changes or problems that may occur through directly or indirect use of them.

Any instructions, manuals or information will be supplied, if anything is not supplied, it should be regarded that the user should use their own experience to use it, and should not expect the owner of this site to supply anything extra regardless of whether a payment has been made or not.

Lee Jones
