Below is a full list of all the uploaded Videos to this site.
Some are for Visitors and Members to view, while others are exclusively produced for Members only or purchasers of certain products listed in our online shop.
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PRODUCTION NOTES: I have been asked by a number of members, when the next episode will be released, unfortunately, I have no plans to produce any more (at this time), and feel I need to come clean and explain !
This video was produced entirely by myself as an exercise to make a spoof TV Style Show, all filmed in a small shed at the bottom of my garden.
There are no Studio facilities in Letchworth, a town in the County of Hertfordshire England. No Film Set, No Audience Participation, not even a cameraman, it was all produced exclusively by myself in a cold damp shed and a lot of sophisticated time consuming editing.
I thought It would provide a good way to do something different, and introduce Lowreyorgan.UK to more than just organ players to get the message across quickly to a bigger and wider audience, and at the time of releasing the video has a good level of views in a short time, currently at 456 views after a month !
I hope this explains the situation as it currently stands, but nothing is set in stone and if i feel it worthwhile, you never know, a NEW episode may appear and LOWREY ORGAN SHOW may be a regular spot on the website ?