Article by Jerry Hill
Rarely do i need or use music for playing any song these days. Once in awhile, if I haven’t heard a song before I’ll use the music one time, and I never need it again as the melody line and chord changes are locked in my brain for good. The reason is simple as you’ll find out.
How & What To Avoid When Shopping For A Used Organ
Article by Jerry Hill
From time to time many of us will go to EBay when we think it’s time for something different or an update to our current organ, such as more musical features that are always added to a later model. That’s a sure sign that you’re hooked in to a brighter musical future. There’s a lot of choices out there from Lowrey, some good…and others, not so good.
Dennis Awe Playing the Lowrey MX-1
Who is Leslie Speaker ?
Admin Edit – If you ask anyone under 40 years of age, have you heard of a Leslie speaker ? you’ll always get the same reply – NO! . . . Never heard of her ? Jerry Hill explains in detail NOT who, but WHAT a Leslie speaker is ! Back in the day . …
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Top Tips for selling your Organ
Article by Jerry Hill NOTE: The opinions expressed within this article are mine alone, and the details below are drawn from my own experiences here in the USA, for other countries this information may not apply or be relevant. Jerry Hill If one understands up front that used organs are a tough sell in normal times, let …
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How to Set Up New Orchestrated Background Sounds
Jerry Hill One of the things most Lowrey owners may not know is you have options that are different from the programmed Orchestration backgrounds to your favourite songs. There’s no reason to update to a new more expensive model to have change contrary to what a music store salesperson would tell you. For starters there …
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What is a Used Lowrey Really Worth ?
NOTE: The opinions expressed within this article are mine alone, and the details below are drawn from my own experiences here in the USA, for other countries this information may not apply or be relevant. Jerry Hill I’ve read recently about the amount of money a particular Lowrey Model was listed for on EBay, and …
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