Allens Music Extravaganza 2019 – Booking Form

Friday 25th October – Monday 28th October 2019 –   UPDATE

A booking form is below to allow anyone to book their place at the Music Extravaganza  for 2019.
As a previous guest attendee, and at the time of writing this, only the priority booking form was sent out. but now anyone can book the event by clicking on the link below

One thing i have noticed this year, is that Lowrey will not be the only organs there, as Wersi will also be on display. so the days of it being a Lowrey only Extravaganza have finally gone.

Something else new this year is a menu choice that requires you to select the food you want on each day, just to ensure you get what you want, as other years very popular items were only available to those that went to the restaurant first.

TOP TIP – If you want to stay an extra night as stated on the booking ( (Thursday) go to Trip Advisor  and book a room for 2 adults for just £88 instead of the advertised £119

For the last 2 years the price has remained the same at
£294 ($391 US) and this is per person if a couple were sharing a room,
for a single occupancy  room, the cost would be £335 ($445 US)

This year the price has increased to £296 ($386 US) and this is per person if a couple were sharing a room, for a single occupancy  room, the cost would be £370 ($483 US)

Not a big increase for a couple sharing (£4), but for a single occupancy room the increase is £35

Good time to visit from the USA

one thing you will notice is the price comparison for US Couples wishing to attend this event from USA, the price is reduced due to the exchange rate being more favourable !

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