Lee Jones
Sunday Morning was again going to be a day that i would get up nice and early to have an early morning swim,

but just as before it did not happen.
So instead of the healthy option, I decided to go down to breakfast early and treat myself to a full English Breakfast and a nice cup of Tea. I say treat myself, I did this every morning i was there, so once i returned home I’ll get straight back onto the diet again.
Sunday Morning Hymns
At 9:10 am, Tom Horton Played a variety of Early Morning Hymns for about 15 minutes in the main concert hall
I had planned the day to once again get in as much of the workshops that i want to attend, but as there are 3 events and only 2 time slots, one of the 3 would have to be missed.
Here is the full timetable of events for Sunday – CLICK HERE
For the first session at 9:00am, I wanted to go along to Workshop room 2, where Jim Weida was holding a workshop called
Styling your Styles
This workshop was divided into a number of sections such as how to alter your style
- Drum Volume
- Tempo – more than just a speed adjustment
- Bass Volume
- Bass Variation
- Basic / /Genie
- Orchestration Plus
- Drum Variation
- Alter Style
- Quick Pics
Using MCS & MCS Plus with and without a style
Discover Golden Harp patters without a style
Discover Golden harp with a style
Using Intro’s and endings for more than it’s obvious purpose
Fake it
Alter Style
EASY recipes for building a musical arrangement by altering your style
If you have ever met Jim, you’ll soon realise he has a very laid back approach to his teaching methods, yet convey’s such authority in the methods he describes