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Do you know How to Get an instant Reply ?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 3:49 pm
by Lee Jones
I have posted this in other areas of the forum as i believe it is a very important point

Do you know how to get an email every-time a new post is made on a topic your interested in ? . . and without have to search manually ?

This is the major benefit of adding to the conversation of the topic in question. Every-time you make a new post within a new topic make sure before clicking the Submit button that you have included a check mark in the box as shown in the image below ( Notify me when a reply is posted) . . . In that way, every time someone else responds, your'll instantly get sent an automated email saying a response has been received with a direct link to click on that takes you straight to it - how good is that ?


NOTE: your options may be different to mine as shown, but you will see the option Notify me when a reply is posted this is the one to select